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Voice Technologies

SeeStorm's mother company SPIRIT DSP has over 14 years of experience in development and licensing of voice and communication software products, which greatly strengthens SeeStorm technological and marketing capabilities.

SPIRIT's technologies used in SeeStorm products are the following:

VoIP codecs

SPIRIT offers a full range of codecs designed to realize speech compression functionality needed for IP telephony. Besides standard ITU vocoders SPIRIT also offers IP-MR - a dedicated VoIP codec that was developed specifically for IP-networks. IP-MR ensures maximum speech quality possible in both LAN and changing-on-the-fly public IP network conditions, providing about FM-radio Wideband quality in average IP environment and provides at least PSTN Toll Quality.

Acoustic Echo Canceller

Acoustic Echo Canceller is used to cancel acoustic feedback between a loudspeaker and a microphone in loud-speaking audio systems, teleconferencing devices and voice-controlled systems.

Noise Cancellation

SPIRIT's advanced Noise Cancellation technology allows significant suppression of any background noise and provides high quality of output speech. Noise Cancellation algorithms can be effectively used in wireless telephony systems, set-top boxes, videoconferencing applications, VoIP solutions, voice recognition pre-processors, and other voice related applications where it is vital to significantly reduce the background noise level.

Speech Recognition

Automatic Speech Recognition Engine provides accurate and effective speech command recognition in wide range of applications such as voice command and control, voice dialing in hands-free devices, credit card validation or personal identification number (PIN) entry in security systems, and in other applications.

Voice Activity Detection

VAD (Voice Activity Detection) algorithm analyses voice activity to detect silence intervals and sends silence descriptors to CNG module.

SeeStorm Technologies