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SeeVoice Real-Time:

Mobile Synthetic Video Conferencing with Talking Characters (Animated Avatars)

SeeVoice Real-Time (RT) enables smart visualization of mobile voice conferencing by automatic conversion of voice stream into synthetic video in real-time. Talking avatars have natural lips movements and the ability to express emotions.

SeeVoice RT complete server-based software product enables building unmatched multimedia services, including:

This is how a Mobile Avatar Conferencing service based on SeeVoice Real-Time server software product works:

SeeVoice for Real-Time Synthetic Video Conferencing

SeeVoice automatically animates Talking Characters (Avatars) by speech flow. SeeVoice core is LipSync, speech-to-motion animation technology, based on SeeStorm's proprietary Phoneme Recognition technology.

Learn more about how SeeVoice Real-Time for Avatar Conferencing works.

Avatars for SeeVoice-based services can be created with SeeStorm's avatar authoring software tools which are delivered with SeeVoice RT.

A unique option of letting users create their personal avatars is also available. SeeStorMe, SeeStorm's innovative solution for automatic creation of Talking Characters in 1 click from just 1 photo, can be integrated with SeeVoice as an additional option.

There is also an option to automatically create avatars from 2D mixed photo collages. Photo collages where user's face is put into another background photo, are created by SeeStorm PhotoMix software, also fully automatically.


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